On Wednesday, July 23, 2014,The Freehold Art Society will
meet at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters, 125 Symmes Drive,
Manalapan, at 7:00 PM. After a brief meeting, Loretta Rosen,
Marlboro, a representative from the Jewish Heritage Museum of
Monmouth County, will present a slide show entitled "Louise Nevelson:
Grand Dame of American Sculpture". Rosen has given presentations at
museums, and has acted on local stages. Shevi Salberg, Manalapan,
will assist her with the technology for the lecture.
Nevelson was one of America's most distinguished artists, a
Russian born abstract expressionist sculptor, who lived from
1899-1988. Her innovative works were made from found wooden objects.
The meeting is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be
served.The library requests that you park in the lot in back of the
building off of Alexandria Drive. Check at the desk for the room
assignment. For more information please contact the society at:
732-938-6415, or by e-mail at freeholdartsoc@optonline.net, or
www.freeholdartsociety.homestead.com .
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: July 20
Sunday Night Jazz and Blues Concert Series Presents Gary C. And Stone Blue
Later Event: July 26
Brighton Fundraiser for the FBAC