FBAC St. Partrick's Day Parade - Grand Marshal, Terri O'Connor
There is NO SET ending time of after parties. Each location schedule their own events this day.
There is NO SET ending time of after parties. Each location schedule their own events this day.
Local Artist and Crafters
280 Park Avenue Freehold, New Jersey 07728
Freehold Borough Arts Council Open Mic
Food and Beverages will be available so come out and enjoy a great evening
Join us this week with CMJ Jazz Band entertaining us at 10E Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 7-9pm
Make your reservations at one of the restaurants in our Downtown Historical District. Right now the cafes are open and you get to eat, drink and listen to great entertainment every Sunday Evening!
Some seating is provided
Please check our web site or face book page to see if an event is cancelled after 3pm day of the event. (it all depends on mother nature, lol)
We appreciate all the families, friends and fans coming and also all the new fans of FBAC coming to our events. If you enjoy them and would like to see future events we would appreciate any donations to help us continue. * You can make donations through our web site www.freeholdborougharts.org or mail a check to: FBAC 1 Broad St. Freehold, New Jersey 07728
If you would like to join us and be a member let us know, always looking for volunteers, and new ideas!
Join us this week with Pat Guadagno and Richard Blackwell entertaining us at 10E Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 7-9pm
Make your reservations at one of the restaurants in our Downtown Historical District. Right now the cafes are open and you get to eat, drink and listen to great entertainment every Sunday Evening!
Some seating is provided
Please check our web site or face book page to see if an event is cancelled after 3pm day of the event. (it all depends on mother nature, lol)
We appreciate all the families, friends and fans coming and also all the new fans of FBAC coming to our events. If you enjoy them and would like to see future events we would appreciate any donations to help us continue. * You can make donations through our web site www.freeholdborougharts.org or mail a check to: FBAC 1 Broad St. Freehold, New Jersey 07728
If you would like to join us and be a member let us know, always looking for volunteers, and new ideas!
Join us this week with Owen’s Heavy Mellow entertaining us at 10E Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 7-9pm
Make your reservations at one of the restaurants in our Downtown Historical District. Right now the cafes are open and you get to eat, drink and listen to great entertainment every Sunday Evening!
Some seating is provided
Please check our web site or face book page to see if an event is cancelled after 3pm day of the event. (it all depends on mother nature, lol)
We appreciate all the families, friends and fans coming and also all the new fans of FBAC coming to our events. If you enjoy them and would like to see future events we would appreciate any donations to help us continue. * You can make donations through our web site www.freeholdborougharts.org or mail a check to: FBAC 1 Broad St. Freehold, New Jersey 07728
If you would like to join us and be a member let us know, always looking for volunteers, and new ideas!
Join us this week with Poppa John Bug and The Jam Band entertaining us at 10E Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 7-9pm
Make your reservations at one of the restaurants in our Downtown Historical District. Right now the cafes are open and you get to eat, drink and listen to great entertainment every Sunday Evening!
Some seating is provided
Please check our web site or face book page to see if an event is cancelled after 3pm day of the event. (it all depends on mother nature, lol)
We appreciate all the families, friends and fans coming and also all the new fans of FBAC coming to our events. If you enjoy them and would like to see future events we would appreciate any donations to help us continue. * You can make donations through our web site www.freeholdborougharts.org or mail a check to: FBAC 1 Broad St. Freehold, New Jersey 07728
If you would like to join us and be a member let us know, always looking for volunteers, and new ideas!
Join us this week with Rouges on The Run entertaining us at 10E Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 7-9pm
Make your reservations at one of the restaurants in our Downtown Historical District. Right now the cafes are open and you get to eat, drink and listen to great entertainment every Sunday Evening!
Some seating is provided
Please check our web site or face book page to see if an event is cancelled after 3pm day of the event. (it all depends on mother nature, lol)
We appreciate all the families, friends and fans coming and also all the new fans of FBAC coming to our events. If you enjoy them and would like to see future events we would appreciate any donations to help us continue. * You can make donations through our web site www.freeholdborougharts.org or mail a check to: FBAC 1 Broad St. Freehold, New Jersey 07728
If you would like to join us and be a member let us know, always looking for volunteers, and new ideas!
Join us this week with Spider Daniels and Friends entertaining us at 10E Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 7-9pm
Make your reservations at one of the restaurants in our Downtown Historical District. Right now the cafes are open and you get to eat, drink and listen to great entertainment every Sunday Evening!
Some seating is provided
Please check our web site or face book page to see if an event is cancelled after 3pm day of the event. (it all depends on mother nature, lol)
We appreciate all the families, friends and fans coming and also all the new fans of FBAC coming to our events. If you enjoy them and would like to see future events we would appreciate any donations to help us continue. * You can make donations through our web site www.freeholdborougharts.org or mail a check to: FBAC 1 Broad St. Freehold, New Jersey 07728
If you would like to join us and be a member let us know, always looking for volunteers, and new ideas!
Join us this week with The Vel Johnson Jazz Band entertaining us at 10E Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 7-9pm
Make your reservations at one of the restaurants in our Downtown Historical District. Right now the cafes are open and you get to eat, drink and listen to great entertainment every Sunday Evening!
Some seating is provided
Please check our web site or face book page to see if an event is cancelled after 3pm day of the event. (it all depends on mother nature, lol)
We appreciate all the families, friends and fans coming and also all the new fans of FBAC coming to our events. If you enjoy them and would like to see future events we would appreciate any donations to help us continue. * You can make donations through our web site www.freeholdborougharts.org or mail a check to: FBAC 1 Broad St. Freehold, New Jersey 07728
If you would like to join us and be a member let us know, always looking for volunteers, and new ideas!
Join us this week with Billy J. Brown and Jennifer Jordon entertaining us at 10E Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 7-9pm
Make your reservations at one of the restaurants in our Downtown Historical District. Right now the cafes are open and you get to eat, drink and listen to great entertainment every Sunday Evening!
Some seating is provided
Please check our web site or face book page to see if an event is cancelled after 3pm day of the event. (it all depends on mother nature, lol)
We appreciate all the families, friends and fans coming and also all the new fans of FBAC coming to our events. If you enjoy them and would like to see future events we would appreciate any donations to help us continue. * You can make donations through our web site www.freeholdborougharts.org or mail a check to: FBAC 1 Broad St. Freehold, New Jersey 07728
If you would like to join us and be a member let us know, always looking for volunteers, and new ideas!
Join the Freehold Borough Arts Council in a day of Music & Fun throughout Freehold Borough.
Many of your favorite Entertainers will be participating in the Event!
Maps of Entertainment Locations and Times will be handled out at the Downtown Freehold Gazebo 10E Main Street.
Additional information with bands/Duos/Solo Performances, locations will be added shortly.
Sponsorships Available - Inquire about different level Sponsorships through: fbacporchfest@gmail.com
For BAND CONTEST Inquire through email, also Entertainment and Porch Yard Applications Email: fbacporchfest@gmail.com
Through the efforts of local businesses, community groups, and residents, like you Freehold Borough has become the destination of choice in Western Monmouth County for Dining, Outdoor Concerts, Street Festivals, Parades, and More.
The Freehold Borough Arts Council with the help of the Ancient Order of Hibernians St. Oliver Plunkett Division #16, the Freehold Elks Lodge No. 1454, the Columbian Club/Knights of Columbus, and DowntownFreehold.com are working together to make the 11th Freehold St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Sunday, March 12th, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. the best one yet.
With your financial support we will be able to add additional traditional Irish Pipe and Drum Bands and keep the local High School Bands in the parade which certainly did add to the size and spirt of the crowd last year. With the cooperation of the State we are again starting at McLean Street passing the Hall of Records and reviewing stand on East Main Street and on to Bennett Street.
With your help we can look forward to another great parade to enliven our Downtown with the sights and sounds of all things Irish. We appreciate you for being a part of our efforts to make Freehold Borough a great place to live, work, and play.
While all groups
are invited to march for free if registered there are several ways you can support the effort:
$35.00Community Group Registration (Non-Profits)
$75.00 Business Marching
$125.00 Corporate Sponsorship
$350.00 High School Band Co-Sponsorship
$750.00 High School Band Sponsorship
$1,000.00 Pipe & Drum Co-Sponsorship
$1.500.00 Pipe & Drum Sponsorship
$2,000.00 Featured Sponsor of the 2022 Freehold St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Your sponsorship check
Freehold Borough Arts Council; 1 Broad Street; Attn: Jeff Friedman; Freehold, NJ 07728. If you have any questions in this regard, please feel free to reach out to Jeff Friedman at 908-614-6195 or Rich Kane at 732- 239-5228.
Most sincerely,
Freehold Borough Arts Council
Ancient Order of Hibernians St. Oliver Plunkett Division #16
Freehold Elks Lodge No. 1454
Freehold Knights of Columbus Council 1672
FBAC Jazz Blues & More Summer Concert Series August 28 CMJ Jazz Band
FBAC Jazz Blues & More Summer Concert Series August 21 Rogues On The Run
FBAC Jazz Blues & More Summer Concert Series August 14 Jump Back
FBAC Jazz Blues & More Summer Concert Series August 7 Tommy B & The Deep Slue Sea
FBAC Jazz Blues & More Summer Concert Series July 31 Bethe Burns & The Legends
FBAC Jazz Blues & More Summer Concert Series July 24 Layonne Holmes & Chris Buono
Pat Guadagno & Richard Blackwell
FBAC Jazz Blues & More Summer Concert Series July 10 Owen’s Heavy Mellow Acoustic Trio w/ Lee Scott Howard
July 3 Chuck Lambert Band
Date: Saturday, December 5, 2020
Time: 11:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Set up begins at 10:00 a.m. Clean up will be from 4:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Place: Freehold Borough Park Avenue Elementary School gym, Freehold. This site is handicap accessible.
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Freehold Borough Arts Council 7th Annual Arts & Crafts Show Registration Form
Event: December 5, 2020
Location: Park Avenue Elementary School Gym, 280 Park Avenue, Freehold, NJ 07728
Registration deadline to assure space: October 30, 2020
All work must be an original creation by the artist.
To register: Mail your $35.00 check, payable to FBAC, c/o 6 Hance Blvd., Freehold, NJ 07728
Name____________________________________ Phone #___________________________
Email contact information________________________________________________________
Website of your art business______________________________________________________
Artwork medium (must be original) /Craft description (must be handmade)
Special Instructions or requests___________________________________________________________________
Please email a jpeg photo of your work to admin@fbac.org so that we may post it on the FBAC Facebook page to advertise the show.
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Parade Units Assemble at McLean & Borough Hall
1:00 PM: Parade Begins
2:30 PM: After Parties
Is it the shops? Is it the restaurants? Music in the Gazebo? The St. Patrick’s Day Parade?
Freehold has had a long storied history celebrated in song, literature, and film. Freehold Borough boasts historical homes and markers. Our town has changed and grown over the years. There are new homes, new residents and new businesses. The Freehold Borough Arts Council strives to foster and boost the art scene. A visitor can enjoy music, plays and paintings.
It’s been a hundred years since the Borough’s incorporation. To celebrate this milestone, the Freehold Borough Arts Council is sponsoring an essay contest.
An essay, according to dictionary.com is a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject. Essays consist of three parts: the introductory section, the body which supports and develops the concept and the concluding paragraph. There are varying forms of essays. The descriptive essay shows images in words. The reflexive essay is written to stir emotion. The expository essay presents facts.
The entry fee for the contest is $10.00 per essay
All entrants must follow the rules of the contest
There are two age categories of entrant: ages 12 to 17; and over 18 years of age.
Entrants must reside in the United States.
Essays must be original work. Plagiarism or using works of another person without proper credit will cause disqualification.
All entries are final. No revisions will be accepted.
Use a legible font such as Courier or Times New Roman at 12 pt size. No fancy fonts or formatting. Underlines are accepted. Indent the first line of a new paragraph.
Provide your name, title in CAPS, contact information, phone number, email, address on the front page.
Double space and use a one-inch margin on all sides. At the middle of the first page, the essay title in capital letters, go down two lines and begin the next line.
Please print on one side of the paper. Do not bind or staple entries.
All works will remain property of the author.
This is a contest of skill. This is not a sweepstakes or game of chance.
Applicants may submit multiple entries, however each entry will have a separate entry fee.
Submissions can be emailed to FreeholdArtEssay@gmail.com. To pay the entry fee you will have to go to FreeholdBoroughArts.org and pay via the donate button. Submissions can also be mailed to Freehold Borough Arts Council 1 Broad St, Freehold NJ 07728 Attention: Jeff Friedman. If sending a paper submission to the address above, please include payment with submission. If not comfortable sending payment via the website, please send fee to 1 Broad Street address.
Essays will not be returned. An email acknowledgement will be sent to confirm receipt of essay.
Judging panelists may not submit an essay.
Essays should not be submitted elsewhere until after the winners are announced.
Essays should be a minimum of 500 words and not more than 1500 words.
Deadline for submission is end of business day November 7, 2019.
Essays will be judged on original voice, style, point of view, creativity, descriptive language as well as spelling, grammar, mechanics and word count.
Good luck to all entrants. We look forward to read what you have to say.
March 17th, 2019 12pm Main Street
With The Support of Co-Hosting - The Freehold Elks Lodge 1454, Ancient Order of the Hibernian Division #16
Honorary Grand Marshal - Tim McLoone
Community Grand Marshals - Carol Stillwell & MaryAnn Larkin
Special Guest Past Grand Marshals - Dr & Mrs. Ken Nahum
AFTER PARTY AT FREEHOLD ELKS 1:00PM 73 East Main Street, Freehold
Entertainment provided by: THE EDDIE TESTA BAND
50/50'S T-Shirts
Corned Beef Sandwich $7.00 - Corned Beef Platter $9.50
Best Dressed Baby Under 3
Best Dressed Dog
Best Decorated Bicycle
Best Decorated Motorcycle
Best Irish Soda Bread (Judging at Elks)
Freehold St. Patrick's Day Parade Fundraiser
Join us for a fun night with Freehold's own DJ Joe Kahwaty at the Columbian Club in Freehold Borough. Food, Drink, Music, dance, 50/50 and fun. All proceeds benefit support the Freehold St. Patrick's Day Parade.
*Prize for Best Dress
Tickets will go on sale 1/8/19. $25
Freehold Borough Arts Council FUNDRAISER for St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sponsored by Freehold Elks Lodge 1454, Knights of Columbus Freehold Council 1672 and Ancient Order of Hibernian’s, Div 16 St. Oliver Plunkett
Kevin Downey Jr. - Eric Potts - Jimmy Que
December 14, 2018
Show 8:00PM
$27.00 pp
No Drink Minimum, Corned Beef Platters, Sandwiches and Drinks Available
St. Patrick’s Day Drawing: 50/50
Kevin Downey, Jr. - America’s Got Talent and Performs for Military Troops (Armed Forces)
Eric Potts NJ101.5 Personality 31 years Law Enforcement