Posts tagged #book fairs

Making Art Alone

To be an artist, you need to exist in a world of silence. —Louise Bourgeois

It is the irony. Art unites us. Making art is a solitary experience.

I’m sitting in an office editing multiple stories that may become novels. There are outlines of ideas and sketches in open notebooks. A mug of coffee, a dictionary, and scattered pens cover the desk. Mood music fills the room. 

I’m alone.

I used to meet with writing groups throughout the region. We would read our works, talk publishing news or brainstorm ideas. The genre didn’t matter, YA writers sat next to poets who sat next to mystery writers who were next to romance writers. 

I miss Lew, Danielle, Jon, and Lisa. How did their stories end?  Who was the killer? Did that guy and girl get together? I haven’t met with the groups to find out. I still see some writers on the Internet, but it’s not the same. it has pluses like we are in our comfortable homes. We aren’t sitting for hours with coffee in a public place as other people try to hear our stories. We aren’t passing each other books or notes.

I haven’t been to a book signing in months. New books still come out. The big book event is more muted.  

There are new music albums coming out, but the artists can’t tour. 

I want to share my stories and hear what you think. In a world of thousands of websites, I don’t know how to get your attention. 

As someone who loves the art world and wants to see what is out there, where can I go?  

What have you created? 

What can you share? 

Four hundred million people watched The Beatles perform “All You Need is Love” on June 25, 1967 through world-wide satellite television. Millions gathered and united to hear a song.

  I know there are people clamoring to unite with a song or a movie that we need to talk about.

How have you the artists gotten the word out about your art? 

Where have you the art-lover found that latest book, painting, play, song, puppet show that you want to talk about?

I would love to know.

Posted on October 6, 2020 and filed under authors, novels, writing, art shows, book signings.