What Have You been doing?

The current health crisis has upended how and where we see and hear artists. I have books to promote and libraries have determined that there will be no events for the rest of the year. I would love to go to a book signing, but that hasn’t happened. 

As an artist, how have you coped with current events? Do you have more time to create? Has this stifled your creativity? 

The Freehold Borough Arts Council has this website for artists. Events in the area are promoted. I invite you to contact me at FreeholdArtsEssay@gmail.com to tell me what artistic endeavor you are working on. Send me a 300 word post for the website. If you want to send a blog post but don’t know what to say, reach out to FreeholdArtsEssay@gmail.com and I could send you some prompts. We can discover how to handle this world together.

I have posted an article about my feelings on the current events at www.freeholdborougharts.org. 

I hope to hear from you.

JJ Lair

Posted on October 6, 2020 and filed under art shows, authors, writing.